Guided Liberated
Bird Hunts |
or Released bird hunts have become increasingly popular. BEB
Sporting Dogs has access to several outfitters who provide this
service and we also have the ability to bring the birds to you.
The types of birds that are typically made available for hunting
are Ring Necked Pheasant, Chukar, Hungarian Partridge, and Bobwhite
Quail. |
are still those that don't want to hunt released birds. That
is well and good. But, we have found that it is a great substitue
when there are few wild birds available and it is wonderful
for training a dog, getting a young dog experience, and keeping
an older dog sharp and in good condition. |
Hunting Photo Gallery
you would like to find out more information regarding
our liberated bird hunts, please feel free to Contact
Us. We will do our best to answer all of your questions.